Organisers Toolkit
“Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.”
- Isaiah 1:17
The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage team acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands this global movement will walk this Lent. We thank them for their stewardship of the lands that now sustain us.
From Omar Haramy, Director of Sabeel, Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, Palestine
“The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage beckons to us as an opportunity not just to witness but to actively engage in the pursuit of peace. Let us unite in the spirit of nonviolence, a force that transcends borders and dismantles the structures of dominance.
Our collective strength lies in challenging the roots of the problem, addressing the deep-seated issues that perpetuate suffering. It is time to act, to be the change we wish to see, and to lend our voices to the call for a lasting ceasefire. By supporting this pilgrimage, we become part of communities working tirelessly to make a difference, fostering understanding, compassion, and unity in the sacred land that has witnessed too much strife. Let us rise above the discord, standing shoulder to shoulder, as advocates for peace, as architects of a brighter future for the Holy Land.
Together, we can create a legacy of harmony, resilience, and hope. Thank you for joining the movement and being a catalyst for change.”
Steps involved to host a Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage
Step 1. Express interest in hosting a pilgrimage here. This helps us know who is planning where — and helps us connect people in the same city where appropriate.
Step 2. Join the WhatsApp community and add your key organisers as a group
Step 3. Plan your route.
Step 4. Once you have finalised the details, you need to create an external event page.
Step 5. Create your fundraising page.
Step 6. Register your walk at the bottom of the toolkit.
There are details for each of these steps throughout this toolkit.
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage Theory and Spirituality of Change — by Jarrod Mckenna
A Theory of Change Statement is a tool adapted from the work of Marshall Ganz of Harvard University and used by organisers to understand the strategy behind a tactic being implemented.
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage Theory of Change Statement:
*If* Christians around the world participate in Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages *then* local Palestinian Christians will experience the support of the global church as they call for a lasting ceasefire *because* too often the Palestinian Christian community is made to feel invisible, or left to cry out alone while Christian Zionism goes unchallenged despite its support for human rights abuses and ongoing war crimes.
Longer Explanation:
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages are the Church clearly calling for 1) a lasting ceasefire 2) immediate humanitarian relief 3) all hostages released 4) and an end to occupation. These calls are made throughputting our prayers into action so that in every Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage,
Palestinian Christian voices are amplified,
funds are raised for relief, refugees and advocacy,
the world understands that the noise of Christians who support the Israeli government’s war crimes cannot be allowed to drown out the cries of the body of Christ in Palestine and Churches globally calling for responses in keeping with the life and teachings of our Lord, Jesus of Nazareth.
The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage movement is not merely one particular tactic but a response from the body of Christ to a movement of the Spirit of God. In light of this, our 8 core convictions and our theory of change are animated by what could be called “a shared spirituality of change”. This shared spirituality of change includes, but is not limited to, the following characteristics.
1. The Way of the Cross / Walking in God’s Nonviolent-Resurrection-Power
“Resistance has a price. It leads to the cross. The disciples should not have been surprised.”
– Palestinian Theologian, Rev Dr Mitri Raheb
The cross is a brutal ancient imperial mechanism of suppression of dissidents. Those who dared to dream outside the limits of ‘how things are’ could expect their bodies to become billboards advertising what challenging the Empire would make inevitable. Yet in the New Testament, talk of the cross is transfigured in Jesus’ own life and ministry to become a paradox and, for those undergoing liberation, “the very power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18)
This side of the Resurrection, we can name the cross as Jesus’ confrontational unmasking of the principalities and Powers of domination, sin and death: Powers that demand our complicity under threat of humiliation, torture and death. It is these Powers that the ancient church proclaimed have been disarmed, made a spectacle of, and triumphed over by Jesus upon the cross. (Colossians 2:15)
This side of the Resurrection, the cross can also name the horrific site where Jesus most clearly reveals the mystery of God to be a nonviolent-love that does not overcome evil by mirroring evil but overcomes evil with what Desmond Tutu called “a force more powerful”. As African American Theologian, Rev Dr Kelly Brown Douglas has said, “There is no greater testament to the love of Jesus, and thus God’s love for creation, than the cross.”
For us the way of the cross is our paradigm for a fearless, provocative, nonviolent faithfulness that refuses to collude with any form of domination, oppression or exploitation. The cross Jesus invites us to take up is freedom from capitulating to the forces of death and trust in another power – God’s nonviolent power – Resurrection.
2. Prayer.
The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage movement’s theory of change starts with prayer. Prayer for us is not an added extra or something done in parallel to our activism.Rather, prayer is the opening of ourselves to the life of the triune God; the willful submission and collective alignment of our thoughts, emotions, motives, choices and actions to God’s restorative and transforming presence and activity in our world. As Greek Orthodox Bishop Kallistos Ware has said, “If prayer is to be transmuted into action, then this Trinitarian faith which informs all our praying must also be manifest in our daily life… our faith in the Trinity put us under an obligation to struggle at every level, from the strictly personal to the highly organised, against all forms of oppression, injustice and exploitation.”
Prayer for us is not the conclusion of compassion.ather, humble prayer is the place where grief is transmuted into grace, lament mixes with praise, and despair wrestles with deliverance until compassion is conceived and is birthed into the action of taking up our cross and trusting in the nonviolent power that raised Jesus from the grave. As Palestinian Anglican Priest Naim Ateek reminds Christians, prayer is deeply connected to Resurrection.
“Resurrection means,
Victory of life over death.
Victory of light over the darkness of occupation.
Victory of love over hate.
Victory of justice over oppression
Victory of compassion over hardness and callousness of heart
Victory of hope over despair
Victory of peace over conflict and war
Victory of reconciliation and forgiveness over revenge and vengeance
Victory of nonviolence over violence
Victory of peace, security, and wellbeing over chaos, insecurity, and fear.
This is what Resurrection means for us. It also carries with it responsibility and accountability. This must be our earnest and fervent prayer to God as we remember Christ’s victory over evil and death.”
Prayer for us imitates our Lord Jesus of Nazareth’s own model; prayer is an opening to intimacy, vulnerability and a place of abiding from which we seek to do the will of the One whom Jesus called Abba, in the power of the Spirit. Prayer is where we open to this Triune life to receive strength in our weakness, hope in our despair, grace in our time of need. Prayer for us is compassion as action. Prayer for us is responding to God’s goodness by doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with our God. For us, pilgrimage is another form of prayer.
3. Solidarity.
“If one part suffers, we all suffer…” -1 Corinthians 12:26
Prayer opens our hearts to share in God’s heart with those who are suffering. The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages seek to listen to, learn from, and lead with Palestinian Christians in each location. In doing so, we build community, encourage solidarity and organise in unity with those who experience these horrors most directly. Catholic theologian, M. Shawn Copeland writes,
“There is no more concrete example of the cost of self-transcending love than the cross of the crucified Jewish Jesus, and it is from the ground beneath his cross that Christian discipleship as solidaristic praxis or compassionate action arise and is always judged.”
In Matthew 16:24, we receive an invitation from Jesus to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him.To deny the self which is formed in the patterns of dehumanisation is to reject the calculations like, “It is too costly for me to stand with our Palestinian sisters and brothers?”. To take up the cross is to share in Christ’s sufferings that seek to end the suffering of others. To follow Jesus is to be found where he is found, with those considered last, least, lost, looked over, scapegoated and forgotten. As Palestinian Lutheran Pastor, Rev Dr. Munther Isaac reminds us, “Where is God as Gaza is being bombed? God is under the rumble.” The question for us is, will we be with God as God is with them?
4. Transfiguring Trauma.
As was highlighted by Blinne Ni Ghralaigh in South Africa’s case in the International Court of Justice, this is the “first genocide in history where its victims are broadcasting their own destruction in real time in the desperate, so far vain hope that the world might do something." It is not merely the direct victims of physical violence and forced removals who are affected; everyone who carescarries this horror in our bodies through vicarious (or direct) trauma. Puerto Rican Pentecostal Samuel Solivan uses the term “orthopathos” to describe the process of turning suffering into liberation. “Ortho” from the Greek for upright, or true, and “pathos” meaning suffering or feeling. On Pilgrimage we will work with our trauma, metabolise its truth, alchemise its power and welcome God’s healing. We will do so not through avoidance, but through engaged solidarity as we prayerfully map Gaza onto our own locations with our bodies.
5. Healing Hatred.
“Jesus rejected hatred. It was not because he lacked the vitality or the strength. It was not because he lacked the incentive. Jesus rejected hatred because he saw that hatred meant death to the mind, death to the spirit, death to communion with his Father. He affirmed life; and hatred was the great denial.”
-Howard Thurman
In imitation of Jesus, we too reject hatred. As it reads in our core convictions, “We make a stand against any form of hatred including antisemitism and Islamophobia. We hurt the movement (and are not faithful to Jesus) when hatred of anyone or any people clouds the clarity of naming the war crimes being committed by the modern nation state of Israel. Hatred (be it racism or some other dehumanising practice) also hurts the much needed collaboration essential to end this horror. We are clear that “our battle is not against flesh and blood” but against the Powers responsible.” If we are to walk in the creative power of God’s redeeming love we must first allow ourselves to be lifted from the nihilism of hatred into the energising reality of enemy-love.
6. Offer an alternative vision to Christian Zionism (and those in Palestine).
"...if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it." -1 Corinthians 12:26
Our solidarity with our Palestinian siblings in Christ is not merely of pastoral importance but is also a prophetic unmasking of the lies of some Israeli politicians that claim, “there are no churches, no Christians in Gaza”. “Christian Zionism” is the largest financial and political backer of the current Israeli government’s apartheid policies, including illegal settlements, demolition of homes, unjust imprisonment, and the ongoing ‘plausible’ genocide in Gaza. Christian Zionists want a narrative that positions the conflict in Palestine as being between Muslims and Jews and the only option for Christians as one of unconditional support for the Israeli government. Amplifying the perspectives, experiences and voices of the Palestinian body of Christ disrupts both of these points. . Our proclamation that the full work of salvation and ongoing restoration has been accomplished through the cross disrupts the misguided theology that there is more action necessary for “history to turn out right” than our faithful obedience to Jesus’ example and teachings, action which includes supporting the Israeli government’s war crimes on Gaza. As Anglican Theologian, N.T. Wright has written,
“To suggest, therefore, that as Christians we should support the state of Israel because it is the fulfilment of prophecy is, in a quite radical way, to cut off the branch on which we are sitting.... It is a way of saying that in the cross and resurrection God did not actually fulfil his whole saving purpose; that Jesus did not in fact achieve the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy; that his resurrection was not the start of God’s new age; that Acts is wrong, Romans is wrong, Galatians is wrong, the letter to the Hebrews is wrong, Revelation is wrong. Say that if you like, but don’t claim to be Christian in doing so.”
The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages are planned to:
a) help local communities meet, listen to and organise with Palestinian Christians
b) highlight the church in Palestine that has existed since Pentecost
c) demonstrate solidarity with Palestinians, and
d) change the narratives which have propped up the violence for 75 years.
7. Mercy (Fundraising for Aid and Advocacy).
Mercy (Fundraising for Aid and Advocacy).
The Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages are not merely symbolic. As it reads in our “Is this a fundraiser?” Section:
“Yes. Like James’ initial walk, Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage events are fundraising for three things: one) Relief. Humanitarian relief in the form of food, water, medical supplies etc. two) Refugees. Supporting those who are seeking safety. Three) Arrival of Relief and Refuge. Groups working to make sure the relief is arriving to those in need and refuge is being provided to those seeking safety. We ask that each Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage divides money raised evenly between these 3 priorities.”
2. Guidance on planning your route
With our bodies we will prayerfully map Palestine onto our own cities.
The power of the pilgrimage is to allow the geography of the horror happening in Palestine to become real in our home cities. In 2024, most pilgrimages walked 36 kilometres (22 miles), the distance of Gaza City to Rafah.
Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages is not merely about Gaza or ceasefires—but everywhere Palestinians stories, rights, agency and lives are being erased. We know this is not just in Gaza. And in this moment, violence is intensifying in the West Bank and oppression in East Jerusalem.
In 2025, we are calling on people to walk 10 kilometres (6.2 miles)—the distance from Bethlehem to Jerusalem. Stopping to pray at the moments where there would be a checkpoint. Some will choose to do the same distance as 2024.
Choosing a path: The Gaza Strip is along the coast. If you have coast in your city, you may choose to walk that. There might also be key areas to stop, for example churches, that help determine your path. The biggest piece of advice — keep it simple.
How long it will take: You can expect to walk 4-5 kilometres (2-3 miles) per hour when walking in suburban areas. In city areas, with smaller walking paths and more pedestrian crossings, this is closer to 2-3 kilometres per hour (around 1.5 miles). Using the Route Planning Template, you can map out how long this might take in your context
This was created by the Melbourne organising committee for their walk — the first global walk — happening on Ash Wednesday.
Please take this and make it your own.
Access the Route Planning Google Doc Template — here.
3. Creating an external event page
Every pilgrimage will create their own external event page — many people are using Facebook events.
This page should:
Clearly share your start and end points, and any other places you are inviting people to join from.
Reiterate the four things we are calling and praying for.
A. Enduring and Sustained Ceasefire.
B. Immediate flow of life saving food, water, aid, fuel and humanitarian assistance.
C. Release of all hostages – both the Israeli hostages held by Hamas – and the Palestinian hostages held in the Israeli prison system.
D. End of occupation so a just-peace can begin.Point people towards the pilgrimages eight core convictions, found here.
Link to your fundraising page.
4. Getting setup to fundraise
We are in a moment in history that requires the redistribution of wealth. Gaza is still in dire need of aid. Nearly the entire population is displaced. Meanwhile getting aid across the border remains restricted. This is why we have three priorities for funds raised in Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimages:
Relief. Humanitarian relief in the form of food, water, medical supplies etc.
Refugees. Supporting those who are seeking safety.
Arrival of Relief and Refuge. Groups working to make sure the relief is arriving to those in need and refuge is being provided to those seeking safety.
We ask that each Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage divides money raised evenly between these 3 priorities.
Fundraising approach: As an autonomous network of Christian groups, we encourage each pilgrimage host to organise their own fundraiser on a crowdfunding platform. It is up to each host to decide what platform is best for their needs and context. We encourage you to prayerfully discern a giving goal. The trick here is have a goal that is both achievable and aspirational. Being achievable means that people rally around to help you hit your goal.
In James’ original walk that inspired the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage, his goal was $2,000, and in the end he raised over $5,000.
At first I was surprised as I saw donations dribble in throughout my fundraiser. $50 here. $150 there. But reality is that we have been watching the displacement and massacre of an entire people unfold on our smartphones. People are wanting to help but don’t know how. Running a fundraiser provided a chance for people who didn’t walk to stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza too.
Deciding not to fundraise: Some groups may discern that they would like to host a Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage without fundraising. We believe the simple act of walking in prayerful solidarity is powerful. However, given the scale of need, we encourage you to not take the decision without careful consideration.
Practical Steps to Get Setup Fundraising
Decide who you will fundraise for.
In a number of the countries participating in Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage walks, we have recommended organisations to fundraise for, these are:
USA & Canada: Churches for Middle East Peace
Australia: Palestinian Christians in Australia
2. Decide on your crowdfunding platform
This will vary depending on context. Do your own research for your country. GoFundMe is available in many countries worldwide. In Australia, you can use Chuffed. In Aotearoa New Zealand, GiveALittle is widely used.
3. Create your page
Share about your pilgrimage — why you are doing it — and how people can support.
Add your fundraising goal.
You can use this Canva template for a header image.
Add how the funds will be used. You can find specific info on how these will be used for the following organisations: Palestinian Christians in Australia and Churches for Middle East Peace.
4. Link your organisations bank details for payouts
Provide the bank details of the organisation you are fundraising for directly into the payouts section of the crowdfunding platform. This way, you will not have to touch the money at all and provides more integrity to the fundraiser. Depending on the platform you may need to setup a Stripe account or similar to process the payments.
5. Publish and promote!
5. About the WhatsApp community — and how to join
There is a WhatsApp community for the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage Network. Within this community, you can host your own organising committees group, and also connect in other global groups.
The WhatsApp community will become a powerful way for us to communicate and organise across multiple continents.
We encourage you to start with just your key organising crew, and wait until your walk is organised until you add general participants. Our experience is organising via WhatsApp can be powerful and effective — but can become harder with too many people weighing in on granular organising decisions.
Once you have joined, add your group, and wait for admin approval.
See you in the chat!
6. Social media templates and branding
We have created a range of Canva templates that can be updated to your local context. We encourage you to keep within the style where possible.
7. Register Your Pilgrimage
Why Register to Host?
By groups registering their pilgrimages we are able to achieve two main things:
By registering, we are able to quantify just how many people/cities are walking in solidarity, demonstrating the growing Christian voice for a just-peace.
Registered pilgrimages will show on our ‘Join a pilgrimage’ page, allowing others in your area that you may not know about to join.
Once you have these details, simply register your walk below
These details will be listed on the Join a Walk page